Finally, the time delay compensation controller is designed for NCS when the controller is event - driven.
最后, 研究了控制器为时钟驱动时网络控制系统的时延补偿控制.
互联网This method can also be used to design event - driven programs based on DOS.
互联网Under event - driven programming circumstances, interface status control is rather complicated because of the distributed program code.
在事件驱动编程环境下, 由于程序代码分散而导致界面的状态控制十分复杂.
互联网Q: Is the language event - driven or object - oriented?
问: 这种语言是基于“事件驱动”还是“对象驱动”的?
互联网The border gateway protocol ( BGP ) is a policy - based, event - driven path vector routing protocol.
边界网关协议 ( BGP ) 是一种基于策略的 、 事件驱动的路径向量协议.
互联网However, event - driven programming still contains some tricky aspects.
另一方面, 事件驱动型的编程方法也包含需要技巧的方面.
互联网Trigger is a user - defined relation in the form of class from the special event - driven process.
互联网Procedures for the use of asynchronous event - driven design, and enhance the operating efficiency of the system.
程序设计采用异步事件驱动方式, 提高了系统的运行效率.
互联网VB 6.0 is event - driven mechanism for the preparation of language.
互联网However, in event - driven multi - threaded applications and are widely used in the callback function to call.
但在事件驱动和 多线程 应用中被广泛用于调用回叫函数.
互联网As different aircraft has different delay cost, a new event - driven single airports ground - holding model was proposed.
从不同飞机有不同的延迟费用这一重要经济因素出发, 建立了新的事件驱动型单机场地面等待模型.
互联网Event - driven applications execute code in response to event.
互联网Consequently, it was felt the best option was an event - driven framework.
因此, 最终事件驱动框架是最好的选择.
互联网A new event - driven approach for interaction among Java components assembled is presented.
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